Alisha Bauchmoyer | RE/MAX Results

Story by Zachary Cohen | Photos by Lily Chris Photography

“Live every day as if it were your last because someday you're going to be right.”

-Muhammad Ali

Each individual is uniquely drawn to certain interests and passions, often shaped by a combination of genetics, personal experiences, and environmental influences. Some are drawn to painting, playing guitar, or climbing mountains. Alisha Bachmoyer wanted to box as a young girl, but her father wouldn’t let her in the ring; he was afraid she would get hurt.. 

This would have been a dead end for many, but Alisha’s boxing dream lived on. She picked up the sport as an adult, training for and winning her only professional match in 2018. While Alisha spends most of her time as a top real estate agent, wife, and mother, her championship belt reading “World Champion” is a token of one of her most unique personal accomplishments. 

So, what drew Alisha to the ring? For her, it’s about the challenge.

“You have to have both the mental game and the physical game. I've always liked challenges in life. I enjoy setting my mind to something and accomplishing that goal. I thought if all those boys could do it, I could do it too,” Alisha says. 

It turns out she was right. While working as a firefighter, Alisha attended the now-famous Smoke & Guns, an annual charity boxing event featuring participants from various professional backgrounds, such as police officers and firefighters. Alisha was inspired by what she saw, remembering her childhood wish to box. One day, she decided to throw her name in the hat.

“But they don't accept everyone. You have to be trained; it’s not just a game. So, I applied to fight the next year, and I trained six days a week for seven months. I just had my last son. He was three months old when I started training. I would go in and out of the gym and was working a full time job with a baby, but I set my mind that I was going to accomplish this. It was something I wanted to do my whole life.”

Alisha trained, competed, and won her match in front of thousands of spectators. Her victory was about more than one boxing match — it was a testament to her drive, perseverance, and determination.

Serving the Community

Another common thread in Alisha’s life has been her commitment to service. Before launching her real estate caterer in 2019, she worked as a firefighter and a social worker and obtained a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice management. 

“I’ve always done jobs that were very rewarding. I've always had a helpful soul. I want to help people feel happy and good. That was a fit in real estate,” Alisha explains.

Alisha had considered moving into real estate for many years, but she put her dreams on the back burner as she sought stability. In 2019, she finally took a leap of faith into real estate, hoping to create a better future for her family.

Five years later, Alisha is thriving. As an individual agent with RE/MAX Results, she closed 20 transactions for $5.7 million in 2023.

So, what have been the keys to Alisha’s success? She says it’s about never giving up.

“Just keep pushing,” she says. “Communicate. You can’t let your feelings get hurt. No matter what you do, learn from mistakes, move on, and better yourself every step of the way. Never stop learning.

“You can do anything if you put your mind to it,” she continues. “That's part of who I am and why I've done so many things in life. If you challenge yourself and push yourself, you can do it. You may not be the best or the winner, but if you done it and learned something along the way, it matters. I want my kids to know that. No matter what you go through in life, you can change it for the better. Everyone has a path, and you're on that path for a reason.”

Beyond Real Estate

Alisha and her husband of nine years, David, have four children: Triston (20), LillyAnn (15), Brynlee (11), and Beau (6). They live on their farm with pigs, dogs, cats, chickens, and ducks.


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