Monica Burke



“I want to bring all the underdogs up with me.”

The Underdog

Monica Burke defines herself as an underdog–a highly motivated underdog. “My life from the time I was born to this day is a story of tragedy followed by triumph. I know no matter what happens to me, it will be okay in the end…I have learned to truly LOVE challenges.”

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges of her life presented itself in 2016, when her family lost everything. Newly pregnant, Burke already had two children, and this crisis forced her to jump out–and then back–into real estate in 2018. “I made the decision to come back into real estate in 2018 after losing everything. I did not have a computer, internet, or anything most people would think they need to start a business. Instead, I had a cheap cell phone that would not allow you to be on the phone and internet at the same time,” Burke reflects.

That year, Burke worked tirelessly but with no discernable results. In hindsight, however, she realized that “...when you feel like you're chasing your tail and nothing is happening, you are really going up a spiral staircase. It is exhausting but all that work compounds, and then you look back, and you made it past so many challenges.”

Burke’s underdog mentality fuels her business–she is passionate about overcoming the many obstacles often encountered in realty and feels there is nothing more satisfying than accomplishing what others have said she cannot. She wants this success not just for herself, but for other underdogs: “I want to bring all the underdogs up with me…I never want anyone to feel the way I have, and if I can sit with them and take one less thing off their plate, or help them adjust their thinking for their benefit, that is what I want to do. I want people to know that it can get better and it is worth trying.”

Hard Work: A Family Legacy

Burke’s underdog spirit is a family trait. Growing up, she watched her mom struggle up the “spiral staircase” to success. “I watched my mom go from working at a fast-food job to managing a convenience store, to going to college, to working for that college, to ultimately becoming a sought-after financial aid director. She worked her way up the ranks.” As a child, she and her mother would often go for long walks in which they would discuss work issues and problem-solve together, a skill that has helped her as she navigates her own life and career.

“I remember the advice my mother gave me when she quit her job managing the convenience store to go to college. She said, ‘Monica, if anyone ever tries to attack you personally when you're making a decision to better yourself, just know you're winning and they know what they are losing. This is the permission to go full force on what you want and forget the rest.’”

It is this attitude that drives Burke’s life and business. Her mother’s sacrifices for her family motivate Monica to add to her mother’s investment, honoring her and continuing her legacy.

Relational Realty

After all she’s been through, Monica Burke never treats a client as a means to an end. She maintains meaningful relationships with those she serves–especially when there is no transaction to be had. “I found that real estate was for me because I genuinely love and require having authentic relationships. I want to be there for my friends,” Burke remarks.

It is Monica Burke’s ability to connect with others on a real level that makes her stand out in the real estate industry; she is genuine to a fault. Monica reflects, “I always hear, ‘I love you just put it out there unapologetically.’ I am what you see, and because of that, people feel very comfortable with me. I just have been through hell and back a few times, so who am I to judge? When I made the choice to quit hiding who I was, I instantly connected with so many people.”

For Burke, establishing a meaningful relationship with her clients is what makes her business successful. “I tried many other forms of prospecting and anything that did not come out genuinely did not work for me. This route takes longer, so many discount it, but is so rewarding. Everything goes much smoother if you can work with people you enjoy, and they enjoy you.”

Balancing It All

How does one balance a successful real estate business and maintain a healthy family dynamic? Well-defined boundaries.

“The trick I have learned is to build confidence by doing what you say...with both clients and family! I set upfront expectations the moment I start working with a client. I tell them I am unavailable from 8 pm-8 am. I take quarterly trips with my family, which have been the best for my sanity. The goal is four hours or less of a drive, a three-day minimum, and no working.” While she is with family, Burke hands off all responsibilities to her team assistant, who handles all her active leads. This way, both clients and her family receive the attention they deserve. Monica holds her whole team to this standard–each of them is encouraged to take vacation and spend time with family.

Monica is happily married to her best friend, “and we like to get into trouble together.” Together, she and her partner have two teenage boys and a toddler. “We did not think the toddler was possible, but are so blessed to have her now,” Burke says. As a family, they are “pretty chill people.” As Burke says, “Put me next to any body of water and I am happy, whether it be the pool, lake, or ocean.” Sometimes, even an underdog needs to recharge!


Bill Whitescarver


JJHomes Photography