Kelli & Don Conwell



“Mortgage and real estate have no eternal value, but how we do it does.” 

— Don Conwell

Don and Kelli Conwell met in the fall of 1982 while attending Oral Roberts University. Two years later, they married. Five years after that, they began growing their family. As any parent knows, the shift into parenthood is transformative. Don and Kelli experienced that transformation quickly as they welcomed four children to the world in under five years.

“Kelli is the hero of our story,” Don says proudly. “When we were having those four children, we didn’t have any family in town. We lived in a 1281-square-foot home, and I was working 68 hours a week and going to school full-time. She was by herself a lot, raising the kids, being a hero.”

New Beginnings

Don landed in the mortgage business in 2002, while Kelli stayed home to raise the kids. When they were grown and out of the house, Kelli began looking for a career of her own. Naturally, she turned toward real estate.

“I’ve always loved architecture, landscaping, and interior design,” Kelli explains. “A house can get very tiny with four young ones. Packing the kids into the car and looking at homes was great for keeping my sanity. I ended up gaining a lot of knowledge about the Tulsa real estate market, as well as a minivan filled with a large collection of empty juice boxes and old French fries”

With her love for homes and a husband in the mortgage lending business, a career in real estate was always in the back of Kelli’s mind. In 2013, she finally decided to take the leap.

Side by Side

Don and Kelli have a unique partnership. They are not only husband and wife, but they run parallel businesses in the real estate industry. The mortgage lending and real estate businesses are quite demanding, adding another layer of complexity to their lives. While it hasn't always been easy, Don and Kelli wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I have an understanding his phone is constantly ringing, and he has that understanding, too. There are challenging times and great times,” Kelli says.

“Even though my phone rings a lot, my business is easier to silo, balance, and set priorities,” Don adds. “I have a lot of empathy for agents. The business is always open, and It's hard to set boundaries that keep it from interfering with your personal life. It’s tremendously difficult.”

Don and Kelli share that flexibility, sensitivity, listening, and accountability have been keys to their success as a couple. Perhaps most importantly, their faith guides them through difficult times. The result is 38 years of marriage and two successful businesses.

“It takes a lot of communication, grace, and humor,” Don smiles. 

Faith and Family

Faith and family are at the center of Don and Kelli’s lives. They’ve been members at Christian Chapel for over 32 years. Their four children, Austin, Courtney, Brooke, and Dillon, attended OU and are all married. They have five grandchildren under six, with three more coming in 2023.

As Don and Kelli reflect on their journey, they smile with gratefulness. They’ve raised four kids with tender hearts and built strong businesses, all while remaining connected and deeply in love.

“There are so many broken relationships out there, people that go through separation and divorce. After 38 years, our relationship is as joyful as it has ever been. We try to encourage young couples to commit to the journey and enjoy the ride. The depth of peace that will come from a shared life built on commitment and faith is immeasurable. Every life has hills and valleys. Walking through them together is what makes for a life that's rich and satisfying. We see our kids now with their own faith, great spouses, and building their families. That's the legacy we leave."

“We tell people all the time that mortgage and real estate have no eternal value, but how we do it does. So we go into every day thinking about how we can impact someone’s life. It's not about loans or real estate. If you come across us, we hope to impact you in a positive way.”


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