Wayne Heins, The Healthcare Heinsman Team



Helping Other People Every Day

“The motto Helping Other People Every Day is not just a line; it's a lifestyle.”

Wayne Heins’ first career was in the oil and gas industry. He spent most of his days traveling the country to operate cranes and heavy equipment, working at extended heights, handling radiation tools, and working with explosives. However, Wayne began to rethink his career path when his son was born. 

Maverick was born premature, and the early part of his life was fraught with struggle. He went from his mother’s arms to the ICU, where he recovered and gained strength. This trying time in Wayne and his family’s life was exacerbated by a health insurance challenge.

“The first baptism of insurance struggles came when his ICU expenses were completely out-of-network, and at that time, I had no clue what that even meant,” Wayne recalls. “We fought with the hospital, our insurance, our employers at the time who provided the coverage, and our direct doctors. We paid absurd bills and faced the fact that we needed to better understand what the coverage meant, especially when we paid so much for it.”

That experience sparked Wayne’s interest in the health insurance industry. He believed there must be a better way; there must be a way to help customers understand their coverage better and get coverage better suited to actual needs. 

Two years later, Wayne and his wife, Maggie, welcomed their second child, McKinley, to the world. This catalyzed Wayne’s exit from oil and gas and his entry into health insurance. In 2020, he partnered with a company and rebranded it as The Healthcare Heinsman Team.

The Healthcare Heinsman Team

Wayne and his team are health care advisors with a focus on education. They are built to guide their clients through the complexities of the health insurance world. As independent contractors, they offer products to meet any need.

“We can offer you private plans that aren’t sourced purely through the ACA marketplace. This allows us to tailor plans to your needs more, but more than that, it allows us to find a way to cut costs without being based purely on income. Nobody should be punished for being successful,” Wayne says.

Wayne’s team members come from all walks of life. Their prior experience ranges from oil and gas to trucking to nursing to landscaping, but none come from sales backgrounds. Wayne’s team members live locally and seek to serve their communities. They are all about people over profits.

“I honestly didn’t seek this out. Like many of my team, I was unhappy in my career path and looking for a fresh start … We all took a chance on something in hopes of finding happiness in helping others. Now we live by the mission of H.O.P.E.: Helping Other People Every Day. We have all stuck it out and found both success and happiness in being able to positively impact others’ lives.”

“We want to be a positive impact in our clients’ lives, in our communities, and leave everything better than we found it.”

Leading with Heart

Outside work, Wayne is a family man with a big heart. His kids, Maverick and McKinley, are now 4 and 2.

“I have an amazing wife, Maggie, who has supported me through everything that I have ever asked her to follow me on … She is blind to the risks that I take, deaf to the naysayers, mute when it comes to criticism, but brave and wise in her existence. She is everything that I could have asked for but a bit more resilient,” Wayne beams. “I have a 4-year-old son who is the wild spirit and lover of all questions that I was as a kid. He is a charmer, the class clown at daycare, and a bit of a daredevil, so my work is cut out for me to keep him from truly living up to his name. I also have a 2-year-old daughter, who is a bit more sassy version of her mother. She already believes that she is the boss of the house, always filling the room with giggles, and her love can be bought with a good snack.”

Wayne also enjoys sports and cooking. His favorite way to spend time is to have a cookout with friends and family, a good conversation, a decent cocktail, and a sporting event to watch. However, he often settles for something more obtainable (and equally enjoyable): hanging out with his kids as they watch cartoons on the big screen.

With his family and in his business, Wayne leads with compassion and heart. He cares deeply about others and about offering solutions to the problems they face.

“I am a compassion-based person, as I fought hard through my whole life (like so many others) to just survive. If I can offer someone else a head start, a quick tip, or some words of encouragement, then I feel like I’ve accomplished my goal. It’s not about a transaction but rather a relationship."

“[I want to be remembered for] improving others’ lives, whether it is [through] friendship, encouragement, support, or just being the only person to be honest with them.”

For more information, please visit www.healthcareheinsman.com.


Carol & Dennis Smith


Michelle Bradshaw