The Ross Team



Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

A: "We are a team of seven licensed agents, back-office administration, and a marketing team that produces digital media for our brand and listings! We produced $47.7 million in sales in 2021. 2022 is starting off great with our first quarter estimated to be at $20 million. We opened our doors in the fall of 2021 and have hit the ground running! We are located on historic Highway 66 in Claremore."

Q: How long have you been in real estate?

A: "The Ross Team has been around for four years; we just opened the brokerage in the fall of 2021!"

Q: Why are you passionate about animals?

A: "They are part of our family and all have their own personalities! They provide comfort, entertainment, and so much more!"

Q: What are your pets' names?

A: "Benny, Chloe, Asher, and Bo! Not pictured are Maci, Mopsey, Oakley May, Penny Lane, and Cash."

Q: Tell us about your pets!

A: "All the dogs love to come to hang out at the office; they have never met a stranger!"

Q: How did he/she/they come into your life?

A: "Benny was a Valentine's Day surprise! Chloe came to the Sherman family because of a mix-up in breeder locations! They ended up driving out of state to pick her up. The rest have been just added to the family as we go along!"

Q: How have your pets impacted your life?

A: "Pets give us an escape from the daily stressors of life! They are a good reminder to take that necessary pause and just relax for a second. They provide a constant source of happiness and unconditional love!"

Q: What else do you want us to know about your pets?

A: "As a team, we collectively have 10 dogs, a few cats, a chameleon, lots of chickens, horses, and over a thousand head of cattle."


Susan Brooks


Cindy Morrison