10 Steps for an Easier Move



As top-producing REALTORS®, we must constantly be coaching our clients in the process of selling their homes to get top dollar. It's proven that cleaner, well-organized homes fetch higher prices and sell quicker. Here are the 10 steps for an easier move, written by a professional organizer:

10. Start Early, End Happy

It’s never too early to begin the downsizing process. We begin by focusing on typical problem areas, such as the attic, basement, garage, closets, and file cabinets.

9. Get Generous

Since you can’t and don’t want to take everything you own to your new home, now is the time to make arrangements to give some of your treasures to special people, or favorite nonprofit, church or synagogue.

8. Save Your Memories

You may have boxes of old photos from every holiday, vacation and birthday party attended. What do you do with them?

7. New Looks for Books

If you own large quantities of books, you need to spend time downsizing your collections. Books occupy lots of space and are heavy and expensive to move.

6. Use It Up ... Don’t Move It Out

Take an inventory of your canned goods, frozen foods, cleaning and paper products. Plan to use as many of these products as you can before moving. If you simply have too many of these items, think about passing them on to a local food pantry.

5. Recycle the Toxins

Take time to put together a box or two of household, yard, and automotive products, including paint, that are considered hazardous. If you won’t use them before your move, find a new home for them.

4. Don’t Lose Touch

Create a list of people, places, and utilities/services that need to be notified of your upcoming change in address.

3. Space Plan Ahead

A floor plan of your new space will help you determine the pieces of furniture that will fit in your new home and the best location of each. Knowing which pieces will fit in your new space will help you in your rightsizing process.

2. Pack a Survival Bag

Put together a survival bag for moving day. It might include personal needs; kitchen needs; basic tools; and cleaning supplies.

1. Ask for Help

Don’t be too proud or independent-minded to ask for help. Moving is not easy, and you shouldn’t have to do it all yourself. Dee’s Downsize and Declutter can help you do the work or plan your strategy if you want to do it yourself.

If you’re planning a move and need to prepare your home for showing, Dee’s Downsize and Declutter can be there to help you through the vital steps for success!

Dee Selby

Professional Organizer and Productivity Coach

Head on over to Dee's website for a free PDF to download and share with your clients!

All PDFs are under the "Resources" tab.

Dee’s Downsize & Declutter





January Publisher’s Note


Oklahome Inspections