Oklahome Inspections



With Oklahome Inspections, Steve Allison Jr. carries on his late father’s legacy and honors his memory: “…it’s not just a home inspection business to me; it’s a legacy that my father started. All I want to do is continue to grow and honor his impeccable reputation in the real estate industry.”

Steve Allison Sr. served as a home builder for 25 years before founding Oklahome Inspections in 2007. From the start, the inspection company has been a family affair. “When I was around 11 years old, I started going with [my father] on inspections, learning the business, and of course, making some summer money! I’ve worked with my dad since then,” remarks Steve.

When Steve Sr. passed from COVID-19 in January 2021, Steve Jr. inherited his home inspection business—at a mere 18 years old. While most 18-year-olds might be intimidated by running a business, Steve Jr. heartily accepted the challenge with enthusiasm. Motivated by his love and respect for his father, Steve Jr. has poured his “blood, sweat, and tears” into his home inspection business.


It is Steve’s passion for people that sets the company apart, yet another attribute of his father’s legacy that lives on through Steve. Steve Jr. explains that the company’s customer-service philosophy stems from the values his father instilled in him. “My father taught me to have integrity and compassion. I love people, and I love helping others. I love giving back to my community and blessing others!”

With many home inspection companies, the bottom line is profit, but for Oklahome Inspections, the bottom line is the client’s peace of mind. Steve knows that buying a home is a huge investment and that his clients will want to feel confident in their purchase. That’s how Steve defines success: getting a family to the closing table with the assurance that their new home will be the home of their dreams.

Perhaps the best illustration of Oklahome Inspections’ passion for people is their approach to home inspection. From scheduling the inspection to inspection day, the company makes the inspection experience as stress-free as possible. While most inspection companies take 24-48 hours to generate their inspection report, Oklahome’s report is ready 15 minutes after the review and in the client’s mailbox—so REALTORS® can get started on TRRs right away! In addition to this quick turnaround, the company offers 24/7 scheduling and support.


Steve’s roots are firmly planted in the real estate business, and as he says, he was “pretty much born on the closing table.” Born in Tulsa in 2002, Steve is a proud Oklahoman, and real estate is the family business. His grandparents were real estate agents; his mother is a top 100 agent in the state, and his late father also had his license for real estate. His brother, Josh Willinger, serves as general manager for Oklahome Inspections. The whole family proudly supports one another in their endeavors.

Steve never sees Oklahome Inspections as work—he loves what he does. “From meeting new agents and visiting offices to weekly meetings with my team it is an amazing position. I also see this as an opportunity to bless my team members, and we love to have fun!”

But it’s not all home inspections. When he’s not serving the community, Steve—unsurprisingly—loves spending time with his family and friends. He enjoys the great outdoors, cars, and his French Bulldog, Cosmo.

Reach out to Oklahome Inspections today to schedule your next inspection! You can reach them 24/7 at 918-605-1498.

Written by Loren Bramble, photos by JJHomes Photography


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