Adriana Fout



Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

A: "I'm originally from Northern California and have made Tulsa home since 2008. I'm married to my husband, Kevin Fout. We have two boys, Terry and Matthew. My dad also lives with us, as he has ALS. We have three dogs and two cats. I have been a business owner in Tulsa since 2013. I am obsessed with animals, businesses (everyone's ... yours, mine, and anyone I don't know), real estate, and traveling. Before moving to Oklahoma I did accounting for construction companies and helped in other aspects of their businesses. This has played a huge role in real estate for me."

Q: How long have you been in real estate?

A: "Over three years."

Q: How did you get started in real estate?

A: "My broker, Jenny Harmon, was overwhelmed with business and encouraged me to get my license to work with her. I couldn't say no to someone with as much charisma as Jenny!"

Q: Why are you passionate about animals?

A: "Growing up, we always had a pet or a dozen. It seemed if there was a stray we would bring it in. At a young age, it was engrained that we adopt animals. In fact, it wasn't until I was an adult that I found out people actually bought 'registered' and purebred pets. I knew you could buy farm animals, but I never thought people did that with cats and dogs. Deep down, I feel it is our duty to watch out for and take care of all animals. How blessed are we that we get to experience unconditional love from a pet when we have done nothing to earn it?"

Q: What are your pets' names?

A: "Frank, male cat; Farrah, female cat; Sophie, female dog; Sasha, female dog; Thor, male dog."

Q: Do you have nicknames for your pets?

A: "Sasha is also known as Baby; she is very much a baby. Thor is sometimes referred to as Horse Dog; his size is pretty intense."

Q: Tell us about your pets!

A: "When I moved to Oklahoma in 2008, my parents had a beautiful blue-eyed, mouthy cat hanging around. They had determined he was a stray, and since I only had one cat, Lori, I needed to take him in. He's old, deaf, and loud but such a great cat with a fun personality. People have commented his entire life that he's more like a dog than a cat. Lori passed away in 2009. In 2010, Farrah was a shelter cat that I found online. She looked almost exactly like Frank. The rescue had her at the Broken Arrow PetsMart and was willing to let her go for $50. She was skittish but quickly attached to Frank. She's so sweet and loves to cuddle. Then came Sophie. My husband had a pitbull named Soldier, so I wanted my own dog, something small that I could cuddle. The rescue ladies in Stillwell said she was part Maltese, and her online pictures were full of personality. She didn't stay small for long but has been the smartest dog we have ever seen. As a puppy, she would open her kennel that had a complex lock and once removed a carabiner to get out. She's kind of like a cat and not too interested in cuddling. Her happiness is being close enough to watch and protect you.

In 2014, I was online again and a family was getting rid of puppies on Facebook. They seemed desperate to get rid of them before cold weather came in. This is when I saw Sasha; we originally named her Sydney until we saw her personality was worthy of a sassy name like Sasha. She was too young to really be away from her momma but keeping her with her didn't sound like a viable option. She was small and cuddly. When I'm home, and in the evenings, she is usually cuddled on me or close enough to touch me with a toe.

Soldier passed away in 2020. A friend had been fostering a dog named Thor. Thor had been delivered to a Catoosa Vet in a black bag with a gunshot wound and several other superficial injuries. The man that delivered him had said he was a dog that had been hit on the side of the road. This was a lie. Thor made the news as he recovered at my friend's home. She was working alongside Oklahoma Animal Alliance and planning for Thor's next home. She reached out as she felt he would be a perfect fit for our home. Little did she know, Sasha hates anyone new and change. A little anxiety medicine has helped a lot. Sasha and Thor pal around often sharing napping space. Thor is a lot of energy, but he is also so loving. For a dog with so much trauma, he does not show any signs of aggression. Thor and Frank are often snuggling and cleaning each other. Sophie is Thor's favorite roughhouse playmate. Farrah is a little intimidated by Thor's size but occasionally will rub up against him. Our boys, Terry and Matthew walk Sophie and Thor daily. Sasha prefers not to leave the house so she stays behind. To this day I am known as Thor's mom. He's a big deal."

Q: How have your pets impacted your life?

A: "Until I was 12 years old, I was an only child raised by a single father. My black cat named Blue was my best friend. Not having a 'normal' home life was kind of lonely at times, so pets were great company. As I got older, I just found comfort in being around them. As a REALTOR®, it has definitely allowed me to create deeper relationships with my buyers and sellers. We are able to share pictures, pet-friendly home ideas, and pet services in the area."

Q: What else do you want us to know about your pets?

A: "As you can tell, I'm very in love with my pets. One of my first questions for anyone is, 'Do you have a pet?' It tells a lot about a person."


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