Tonya Jarvis



Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

A: "I have two kids who are 23 and 18, I love horror movies, I live for hanging out with friends, and I adore my two hippos, AKA my English bulldogs!"

Q: How long have you been in real estate?

A: "Over six years."

Q: How did you get started in real estate?

A: "I decided that I wanted to do something different but still keep the connection to people from human resources to real estate."

Q: Why are you passionate about animals?

A: "They easily become an extension of your family. As my children have grown, I still find the need to parent, and the 'hippos' fill that void. They are so human-like with their own little personalities, their affection, and their need for us."

Q: What are your pets' names?

A: "Lady Goose of Jarvis Manor and Lord Buffalo of Jarvis Manor."

Q: Do you have nicknames for your pets?

A: "So many... Smoosh, Buffis, Nug, Nugget, Big Nug, Little Nug, Hippos, Smush Face, Buff, Gooses, 'Gooseananny!'"

Q: Tell us about your pets!

A: "Lady Goose is a 4-year-old English Bulldog who LOVES butt scratches but ignores you, your commands, and basically everything until she wants your attention. Lord Buffalo is a 4-month-old English Bulldog who is floppy and absolutely LOVES face kisses. He's snuggly and bitey on everything like a velociraptor. He loves whip cream and cookies!"

Q: How did he/she/they come into your life?

A: "We have always wanted a Bulldog because they are so epically cool, but they are also very expensive. Once purchasing Goose and seeing how awesome her personality was, we knew we'd never have another kind of dog."

Q: How have your pets impacted your life?

A: "They have turned me into a crazy pet owner! We do not plan anything in our life unless we know what will be happening with our dogs. We only allow ONE person to care for them if we are not able to be home because we trust her 100% with them. I lose sleep at night over these dogs! It's like having a toddler all over again, and the connection to them is so huge that I know if anything should ever happen to them, I may need a straight jacket."

Q: What else do you want us to know about your pets?

A: "I've never loved a pet so much that as I watch every wall, every corner of my home, every piece of furniture turn into some form of chew toy that I overlook it because I love them so very much! It's more than the breed, although they are so cool; they are our little hippos that take over about 95% of my camera roll and a constant concern for their well-being. We watch them on camera during the day to be sure they are OK and are absolutely obsessed with them!"


Barbara Jacobson


Adriana Fout