Barbara Jacobson



Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself!

A: "I was born and raised in the Tulsa area and graduated from Charles Page High School in Sand Springs. I then graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor's degree in Health, and I was a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. I met my husband shortly after graduation while working at my first job at Saint Francis Hospital, and we have been happily married since 1998. Before obtaining my real estate license, I worked in the medical field and property management. I have one stepson who has been serving our country in the Army for 11+ years. In addition to real estate, my husband and I have established a faith-based nonprofit organization called World Baseball Outreach. We use the sport of baseball to reach underserved kids here in Tulsa, the Dominican Republic, and anywhere else in the world that we can reach. In Tulsa, we offer a free baseball league to fulfill our mission. As a profit center, we have established an indoor sports facility called WBO Sports Center. For fun, I love to serve at Tulsa Hills Youth Ranch, walk my dogs at Turkey Mountain, and go horseback riding."

Q: How long have you been in real estate?

A: "This August will mark 21 years!"

Q: How did you get started in real estate?

A: "I am the daughter of a home builder, so real estate is in my blood!"

Q: Why are you passionate about animals?

A: "I love animals and have always had a special bond with all the pets that I have had over the years. I think that it is amazing what they are capable of! I am intrigued by the talents that they possess naturally and with what they can be trained to do."

Q: What are your pets' names?

A: "Our horse's name is Traveler's Thunderstorm J (TJ), and our dogs' names are Ally, Maddie, Rizzo, and Javy."

Q: Do you have nicknames for your pets?

A: "All-i-gator, Maddi-gator, Riz the Diz, and Puppy Boy!"

Q: Tell us about your pets!

A: "They are all super special to my husband and me, and I think they feel the same about us! TJ is a registered Missouri Fox Trotter, and he will be 29 this June. Due to his advanced age, he is just a pet; I do not ride him any longer, but I enjoy visiting him every day at the pasture that I rent for him. He is happy and healthy! Each of our pups has very different personalities, and they are all very smart. They LOVE to be LOVED and can never get enough affection. I like to say it is like Doggie Day Care at our house every day."

Q: How did he/she/they come into your life?

A: "I have had a horse since I was 6 years old, so my husband knew that instead of diamonds and furs, I would enjoy a horse as a gift most of all. So, with the help of a friend, he found TJ and gave him to me as a Christmas gift about 20 years ago. All four of our dogs were strays in one way or another. Ally and Maddie were found wandering the streets as small puppies, Rizzo was adopted from Tulsa Animal Welfare, and Javy was adopted from Puppy Haven."

Q: How have your pets impacted your life?

A: "I can't imagine a life without pets! They are great company. I feel like a world without pets would be a very lonely one."


Rob Irwin & Amanda Viles with Farmers Insurance


Tonya Jarvis