Rob Irwin & Amanda Viles with Farmers Insurance



"Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years… It's about self-expression and, above all, attitude.” – Iris Apfel

From Fashion to Future

Before going into business together, Rob Irwin and Amanda Viles knew each other for a number of years and shared a common love of fashion. While Rob paid his way through college by working for a high-end clothing store, Renbergs, Amanda worked at Saks Fifth Avenue managing their top sales team, doing marketing, and community outreach. “I loved Saks and working in high fashion, but to stay in that career I was going to have to make several out-of-state moves and wasn't sure where I would ultimately end up,” Amanda said.

Rob and Amanda had known each other since the early 2000s, frequently running into each other at Saks Fifth Avenue or charity events. “He started talking to me about the Farmers Insurance opportunity and, after thinking it over for several months, I made the leap. The timing was just right for me, and I haven't looked back since; I wish I had done it sooner,” she told us.

Rob Irwin

Rob Irwin grew up in Tulsa, graduating from Memorial High School, followed by graduation from the University of Tulsa with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and an MBA in Finance. After spending a few years working as a Certified Personal Accountant, he knew he wanted to open his own business.

In 1989, Rob opened his own Farmers Insurance Agency in Downtown Tulsa. “Lacking capital, I needed a business that sweat equity and hard work could establish. I also knew that I wanted a business that would allow me to remain in the city that I love for the rest of my career,” he said. Most important of all, Rob knew he wanted to have a family and that he wanted his children to grow up with a sense of belonging. “Farmers has made all of this possible.”

Rob loved having his own business but within two years of opening his doors, he accepted a position as the District Manager for Farmers Insurance of Tulsa. Today, after 31 years, he holds the title of one of the longest-tenured District Managers in the United States and has been able to achieve many awards with Farmers, including the President's Council for the sixth time this year. “I loved having my own insurance agency, however, when the opportunity was presented, I realized I could change the lives of so many more people. I truly believe in the opportunity with Farmers and building a business that is your own,” he said.

Today, Rob remains passionate about teaching his agents about all aspects of insurance and what it takes to run a business.

Amanda Viles

Like Rob, Amanda Viles grew up in Tulsa. After high school, though, Amanda moved to Virginia to attend college and swore she would never move back to Oklahoma. To her surprise, she decided to move back home in 1997 to be near her family. Since then, she has continued to build a life in Tulsa that she is proud of.

As a working professional, Amanda has over 20 years of experience in marketing and development for oil and gas, nonprofits, and luxury retail. Although it took her several months to make the decision to leave Saks Fifth Avenue after Rob first approached her about working with Farmers, her new career has fulfilled her in more ways than she can count.

“Rob was a big influence in my decision to join Farmers,” she told us. “I love the brand recognition and reputation, and that I'm marketing something that is a necessity for most people. Literally, everyone you meet is a prospect. My love of people, in general, is a big driver, too. Meeting individuals and families, learning about what's important to them, and structuring a plan that provides some peace of mind for them; that's very gratifying.”

Q: What makes you stand out in your industry?

Rob: “What makes me stand out in the insurance industry is that I care! I care about the agents and staff that work with me, I care about their success, I care about their growth opportunities, I care about our clients, and I care about our clients' families. Thirty-three years ago, my goal was that, if someone thought about insurance in Greater Tulsa, they would think of the name Rob Irwin with Farmers.”

Amanda: “I'm still making my way and building my brand in this industry. I would like to stand out for being invested in my clients and partners, hardworking, kind, and always available. I want to continue to collaborate with other small business owners, REALTORS®, and service providers so that we can all grow and get better together.”

Q: Tell us more about who or what shaped you into the person you are today.

Rob: “Working my way through college in sales and sales management for a great company like Renbergs was an education itself. Learning how to help others become more successful than they would without my direction and support was important. Discovering early on that nothing is given to you, that those that have been given great gifts must use them, and that

one person can make a difference in many people’s lives.”

Amanda: “I am lucky to have some really wonderful and smart people in my life. I think you can learn something from everyone you meet. My family gives me that unconditional love and support that is so important. My daughter is my constant cheerleader and knowing that she believes and depends on me makes me strive to be a better person every day. There are a couple of key female role models in my life that I have been lucky enough to work with and learn from. Rob and Farmers have been a huge part of my growth over the past few years; Rob pushes me to believe in myself, deal with challenges and then move on, and always be positive.”

Q: How do you define success for yourself?

Rob: “My success is only defined by how successful the people I work with are.”

Amanda: “I've been thinking about this a lot lately. What does success look like for my business and for me personally? They are so intertwined and change every day. As a relatively new business owner, I have some big goals for my agency and can get impatient with the pace of reality. I want to have a big team, outgrow my office space, and be a better, more focused leader. Personally, success is seeing my 20-year-old daughter thriving and growing into a strong, independent, smart young woman and embracing the second part of my life as an empty nester. So, you could say that success for me looks like embracing change with gratitude, learning and getting better with every experience – good or bad – and working hard to always be moving forward.”

Q: How is real estate important to your business?

Rob: “Making closing easy for our REALTOR® partners is our main goal.”

Amanda: “Real estate is a huge driver for my business. Most people don't think about their insurance portfolio unless they are buying or selling their homes. People trust their REALTORS® implicitly and are looking for guidance to get through the buying or selling process. When a REALTOR® partner of mine refers a client to me, it’s a huge honor and responsibility. I'm a big team player and collaborator; getting to partner with an agent and their client and be a part of a smooth and successful real estate transaction is really a special and valuable part of my business.”

The Reason Behind Everything

At the end of the day, Amanda Viles and Rob Irwin each do what they do for their families.

Rob and his wife, Jeannine, prioritize their two daughters above all else in their life. In fact, Rob opened his own agency so that he would have the ability to attend their tennis tournaments and other school functions. The girls’ involvement in tennis pulls them to many different cities across the Midwest and, as a family, they enjoy getting to travel together, bond as a family, and create unforgettable memories.

Amanda has been a single mother since her daughter was a year old, which has created an unbreakable bond between the two and, for Amanda, a passionate journey to provide for the person who means the most to her. In addition to her daughter, she has been thankful to live near her parents and two brothers. “The older we get, the more thankful we are that we can all easily be together and lean on each other,” she said. Outside of work, she loves spending time with her good friends, working out, networking, and immersing herself in anything creative, which usually comes in the form of home projects, interior design, and fashion.


Jenna & Matt Giesow, VAST Media


Barbara Jacobson