Brooke Chandler



Turning Passion into Purpose

"The opposite of depression isn't happiness; it's purpose." – Cathy Heller.

Brooke Chandler was not meant for an ordinary life. She was created with the toughest fibers, the most resilient spirit, and a heart that knows no bounds. Although her success in this business, her passion for others, and her drive to be a woman who lives with purpose have not come without adversity, she pursues the truth of who she was created to be each and every day.

Where it All Began

Born and raised in the Tulsa area, Brooke obtained her degree in interior design. Completing this degree program only furthered her passion for the field of design, but she knew that she had the potential to grow her passion into something much bigger.

She knew that she wanted to further develop her knowledge and expertise in construction and renovations; following her curiosity, she made the decision to dive into real estate. "I was incredibly drawn to new construction, as I had my background in project design and construction management. This only grew as I began to understand the mechanics of putting a home together and bringing a vision to life," she told us.

During her first year as a real estate agent, she grew at exponentially rapid rates and earned the title of Rookie of the Year. As she continued to grow, she soon realized that she had a passion for "growing agents and reaching as many families as possible through building [her] team" and has continued to nurture this practice as her business has grown. "If I can change my family's life, I know I can help others as well."

"I think the largest difference in my practice is the emphasis on growth and exponentially improving my agents' and families' lives through growth programs that trickle down to my clients as well. Managing the mechanics of scaling both my business and their businesses is something that does not come standard with a normal process, and it's something I take a lot of pride in; coming alongside families and scaling whatever their vision might be. Whether that be starting from the ground up or finding a diamond in the rough."

Becoming Brooke

"My upbringing taught me to become resilient, self-motivated, and unshakeable, and my young adulthood furthered that even more so," Brooke reflected.

Growing up in a small town, she learned to work hard from a very young age. "I learned quickly that the only person who was responsible for my success or failure was the woman I looked at in the mirror," she shared. As she headed into young adulthood, she had a dream that was like the dreams of many other young people–to have a good job, to get married, and to have babies. But, as her business grew, she was met with the unexpected news that would ultimately change her life.

"As my business grew, I was hit with the news in year one of my career that I was expecting twins. Their names are Calliope and Camille, and they forever shaped my life. I received the news that my daughters were conjoined and were not separable. After losing them at full-term, after holding them until their last breath, my life was forever changed. I remember waking up one morning and thinking to myself, 'I can either live an average life and allow them to be forgotten after I pass, or I can push to never take a day for granted and create an unforgettable legacy. This was not for nothing,' and then I got to work. This is where the catalyst moment began, with the realization that I was the only limit I had. After this, there was not a thing on this planet that could stop me from creating the life of my dreams."

Brooke has gone on to reach the top 500, the top 100 and now sits at 69th in the MLS. "I'm just getting started," she told us.

While scaling her business has brought her great success, her career in real estate has been more than just a business to her. "This business has allowed me to share my story and my passions with hundreds of people across the state. I have spoken on podcasts and to rooms of people. Sharing what changes I made and the legacy I desire has brought me so much fulfillment. I cannot wait to see the next ten years, the excitement is not in the destination, but who I get to become to get there," she said.

When Passion Becomes a Calling

"There is nothing quite like bringing a family together in a home they have built or a home they have fallen in love with, and then seeing them thrive and grow their legacy in such a tangible way," she tells us. "Growing families, developing leaders, and making the biggest impact with the time I have here is my greatest desire. As a believer, it is my responsibility to draw others to the hope and promises the Lord has for us, and I only hope that I have gained the applause of the one who matters most in my efforts. When calling aligns with work ethic, things change.

Although caring for others comes naturally to Brooke, it still takes time, dedication, and hard work to make an impact on their lives. Managing work and life can sometimes be a significant challenge, but Brooke has always believed that she has what it takes to be successful in the middle of the chaos.

"I truly believe I was built for this, juggling two littles and such a large business I have been so blessed with. It does not phase me anymore. I get up around 4 a.m., and I don't put my computer away until 9 p.m. most evenings. I prioritize my time with things that bring me growth or memories and everything else I choose not to do. I truly cut the agenda down every day to what's most important and do just that. Knowing that I have to be at my best at all times, I invest in myself daily in the gym, vision casting, absorbing good music and podcast, and diving headfirst into books authored by those I wish to emulate."

Success and Family

Brooke has two beautiful children: her 5-year-old daughter, Penelope, and her 2-year-old son, Callahan. Together, they have an elderly Rhodesian Ridgeback named Moose. Outside of work, they enjoy the outdoors, gym time, and weekend trips together. "Spur of the moment adventures are our favorite, and I always enjoy traveling with my babies," Brooke told us.

Although she has had her fair share of obstacles, loss, and change, Brooke is proud of the person she is becoming and the children she is raising. "Success is knowing that, when I lay my head down at the end of the day, I have improved as many lives as possible, my children are loved and secure, and I have given it my one hundred and ten percent. My worst days are still a baseline for others, and I left no opportunity on the table. No shortcuts were taken, no excuses were made, and I can be proud of the work that I've done. Both inside the walls of my home and investing in the lives of others."


Caleb Branham


Sparkle Squad Cleaning Services