Esmeralda Picasso



Esmeralda Picasso’s path has been shaped by the decisions her parents made decades ago. Originally from Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, Esmeralda’s parents immigrated to Tulsa, OK, when they were pregnant with Esmeralda.

While Esmeralda was born and raised here in the U.S., her life has been shaped by her Hispanic culture and heritage. Her first language and the language spoken in her home was Spanish. When she learned English, she was tasked with helping her parents navigate the details of life in an English-speaking country.

“Since my parents did not speak English, I would translate everything for them. Adult stuff, like bank accounts, contracts, forms — you name it,” Esmeralda reflects.

Esmeralda didn’t know it then, but her role as a bridge between Spanish- and English-speaking worlds was a position she would find herself in throughout life. As a real estate agent and broker, she primarily serves the Hispanic community of Tulsa, helping Spanish-speaking clients navigate an unfamiliar system.

The Road to Real Estate

Before starting a family, Esmeralda worked as a dental assistant for several years and then spent another few years in banking. She got married, had kids and shifted gears. In addition to raising her three young children, Esmeralda helped run the backend of her husband's construction business.

In 2013, Esmeralda and her husband began flipping homes. That’s when she first began to consider becoming a real estate agent.

“We had an agent that was helping me, and we became really good friends. He was encouraging me to get my real estate license. At that time, I was helping my husband and a stay-at-home mom of three kids. I had a lot going on and wasn't exactly looking for more to do. But my husband also encouraged me, and eventually, I decided to throw myself in there.”

Esmeralda got licensed in 2018. While those first few months were slow, her business steadily grew. She quickly gained a reputation as a go-to agent for the Hispanic-speaking community.

“I saw a lot of people in the Hispanic community that needed a lot of help purchasing a house and understanding the processes, someone to help them truly understand,” Esmeralda reflects. “I felt I needed to help out my community. That’s where my heart is. I started helping people, and it naturally grew.”

Becoming a Broker

In July 2021, Esmeralda took the next big step in her career, opening Picasso Realty.

“There was something in me telling me that it was time to go bigger. I felt something in me to go out on my own,” Esmeralda explains. “At the time, I didn't know anything about starting a company. I knew the real estate side of things by then, but starting my own business was a challenge. But I took that challenge on and threw myself out there. I felt if I don't do it, I'll never find out what’s possible.”

A year into her journey as a broker, Esmeralda and Picasso Realty are thriving. The brokerage currently has 14 agents, and Esmeralda continues to produce.

“I just went for it. I didn't have a plan B or plan C. It has gone really well. I won’t say it’s been easy, but I’m very thankful that I did do it. It’s been a good year, and I see better years coming.”

Giving Thanks

Outside work, Esmeralda is a devoted mother and wife. She and her husband, Abraham, have three children, Abraham Josue (12), Esteban (9) and Galilea (7).

To Esmeralda, family is everything. She reflects on her journey — and that of her parents — with a sense of wonder and gratitude.

“I just want to make my parents proud,” Esmeralda says, tears and emotion flowing. “I really do it for my parents. They came over here for me. Every day they tell me they are proud of me. I want to do it for them and my children, who look up to me. I want my family to be proud of me.

“I can’t believe what I'm doing. I never thought in a million years I’d be a real estate agent, never mind a broker. There were a lot of people at the beginning that doubted me, but I’m proving that I can do it — that I can succeed.”


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