Matt Inouye




Growing up in Owasso, Matt Inouye learned the value of hard work early and often. He had the chance to witness his grandparents, who came from farming backgrounds, model integrity, family values, and a commitment to God. Matt’s father worked hard, sometimes balancing multiple jobs to care for his family.

“He didn't let the hard times of life be an excuse to stop or give up,” Matt remembers.

“He regrouped, figured out a new plan, and then kept pushing forward … He was an amazing example for me and my siblings of putting your family first at all costs.”

From his grandfather, Matt learned to listen, analyze, and then respond. He didn’t let his emotions dictate the situation, and Matt admired how he kept his composure.

As Matt matured into adulthood, he held the lessons learned from the generations before him close to heart.

Rediscovering Home

After graduating from Owasso High School, Matt headed off to Oklahoma State University, where he obtained a degree in hotel and restaurant administration. He spent over two decades in that industry, during which he lived in five different states around the country — Illinois, Florida, Alabama, Colorado, and Texas.

During this time, Matt got married and started a family. That led to him wanting to be closer to his family. So, in 2012, he left his work as a chef to return to Oklahoma.

“After having our second child, the restaurant world didn't allow me to be with my family as much as I wanted to. So I needed to find a new venture that, one, I could call my own. I always wanted to have my own business. And two, [I wanted to] have some say in my schedule and time.”

Matt had a few friends working in real estate. He reached out, began to engage in deeper conversation about the industry, and ultimately decided to get licensed. Nearly a decade later, Matt couldn’t be happier with his decision.

Real Estate with Values

Today, Matt is a Broker-Associate at Renaissance Realty. He sells real estate with heart and integrity — the same values his parents and grandparents modeled all those years ago.

“I truly love helping people. Every deal has a unique story to it. Being able to be a small part of that journey with them is a blessing. Seeing people get keys to their new home is one of the greatest things to witness,” Matt says. “I want every transaction to be smooth for both sides. I want to try and make it as stress-free for my clients as possible, as well as the other agent and their clients. I think thorough communication is the best way to accomplish that goal.”

Matt stepped into the real estate business to have more time with family, and his family life continues to be his number one priority. He works around the family schedule, including church, school, sports, birthday parties, and other gatherings.

“I live and work by my calendar,” Matt says. “Everything gets scheduled there — church, school pick up, gym, and all my work appointments. I'm very open and upfront with my clients about my schedule. If I have nothing scheduled, I'll work at any time, but I don't cancel family unless it's an extreme case. They come first, always. I got some great advice one time: If you don't respect your own time, no one else will either.”

Family and Community

Matt and his wife of 20 years, Christy, have three kids: Maddux (14), Brooklyn (11), and Reagan (5). When he’s not with his family or working, you might find Matt on the golf course enjoying a lifelong pastime.

“I love everything about the game, from being outside to having time with friends and family, to meeting new people, and especially the competition. But what I love the most is it's the one game where the real challenge is only against yourself. Can you play better? Can you beat your best score? Can you hit the remarkable shot [or] make the pressure putt? You can always push yourself to get better.”

Matt is also deeply engaged with his community. He is on the board of the Owasso Education Foundation, an organization that helps raise money to provide grants directly to teachers and their classrooms, and he is the 2022 Chair for the Owasso Chamber of Commerce. He is also on the Urban Affairs Committee at GTAR and the Government Affairs Committee for OAR. He’s a member of a group that runs Wild at Heart, weekend retreats focused on restoring the hearts of men and walking with God. His family has been attending and volunteering at Lifechurch in Owasso since 2012.

Ten years after returning home to Oklahoma, Matt is enjoying once again being a member of the community he has always called his own. His business is thriving, his family is healthy, and his relationship with God remains strong.

“My family, faith, and friends — they are why I do everything I can in my business. I want my business to be part of my life, but I don't want it to be my life.”


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