Brandi Pond



“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

From Healthcare to Real Estate

Brandi Pond, REALTOR® at Chinowth & Cohen, Ponderosa Homes, wasn’t always a real estate agent – in fact, she started out in an entirely different field.

“My background is in science education and healthcare administration/public health/disaster preparedness. I taught science at public school and college levels. I received my master's degree in public health and worked for the Tulsa Health Department, Rural Ambulance Service, and Oklahoma Disaster Institute at OU Tulsa; I served as president of the National Disaster Life Support Education Consortium. I traveled the country teaching disaster life support courses and met many incredible people,” explains Pond. But when her position as director of operations for an orthopedic practice was eliminated after a merger, Brandi realized how small Tulsa really is – and how difficult it would be to find another position in her field.

The next step in her professional life was unexpected: Pond’s husband encouraged her to do real estate. “I don’t know anything about it!” she replied incredulously. But he persisted: “You are good with people, and I know you can do it.”

So, Brandi took a huge leap of faith, “I dove right in. I passed the class, passed the test, and signed on with Chinowth & Cohen. I haven't looked back since! I’m now starting my fifth year.”

A Touch of Disney Magic

Though she didn’t take a conventional route into the industry, Brandi’s background in healthcare and education are huge assets in her new career field. “Helping people has always been my passion,” says Pond. “Maybe that sounds hokey, but that’s who I am. I’m not a salesperson. I’m not motivated by sales. I honestly, truly love to help. It comes from my background in teaching. Education has always been important to me, and I believe it is truly the key to success. I get to use those skills in real estate, educating first-time homebuyers or out-of-state clients about Oklahoma. The sky is limitless when you take the time to educate your clients.”

On top of her wealth of experience in teaching and compassionate care of others, Brandi also brings another unique skill to the table: a touch of Disney magic.

“I spent some time working at the Disney Store, which is where I developed a true understanding of customer service. I always had a dream of being Mickey Mouse at Disney World, but found out for the first time in my life I was too tall for something,” Brandi laughs. “I recently joined a group called ‘Agent of Excellence.’ The mission is to bring the spirit of Disney into real estate. Incorporating Disney's world-class customer service and client engagement into my business has raised the standard for me in my industry.”

The Key to Success: Honesty and Sincerity

Brandi Pond’s approach to real estate is unique – do you know another REALTOR® who brings the magic of Disney to the business? – and this is what sets her apart in the industry. “People like honesty and to feel safe when building a new relationship. I want my relationships with my clients to build organically, and I find I get more business when I approach things this way. Building trust is key in helping someone navigate a real estate transaction,” reflects Brandi.“But honesty and sincerity go a long way in this business. It keeps people coming back.”

Brandi’s father modeled this style of business to her as a child. Though he passed away from cancer when she was twelve, his way of serving others has made a long-term impact on her as a professional. “[My father] was an electrician, and I spent lots of time with him on job sites watching him build relationships. He never met a stranger. He helped all of his church friends and never charged them a dime for doing work at their homes. He was kind to everyone,” says Brandi. “I strive every day to be like him in that way.”

For Brandi, that’s what it means to be successful in real estate – serving others and treating them with kindness and respect. “Honestly, doing what makes me happy means I am successful. Knowing I have done everything possible to serve my family, friends, and clients makes me happy. Happiness equals success to me,” says Brandi.

“Walt Disney once said, ‘If you can dream it, you can do it,’ and I live by that in everything I do.”

A Snapshot of Brandi Pond

When Brandi isn’t working to help the people of Tulsa find their perfect home, she is enjoying spending time with her beautiful family. “I’ve been married for 12 years to the most amazing man and my biggest fan. Together, we have four children, and I just became a grandparent last year, and our second one came in March,” explains Brandi.

Brandi loves traveling all over the world and exploring new places and cultures, attending musical events, broadway shows, opera, symphony concerts, and bands that come to town. “I have also become quite the foodie and always trying new places in town as well as always visiting local favorites,” says Brandi.

Brandi's love for serving others extends beyond her professional life as well. She once served as president of the Owasso Choir Patrons and still helps with the organization. She also supports the efforts of the Oklahoma Baptist Children's Home in Owasso and works with the Arts Alliance Tulsa. She is passionate about domestic violence and is looking to become more involved in this arena as well. And of course, for Brandi – if she dreams it, she’ll do it!


Matt Inouye


Joe Lindsey