INKED: Summit Real Estate Group
How Many Tattoos Does Your Team Have Combined?
Tell Us About Your First Tattoos!
"Well, what's the legal age?" Tonya laughed. "All of us were at least over sixteen! No regrets, although the one of us who has the most tattoos wishes that she had done them in one big tattoo, like a sleeve piece, instead of all over and another agent isn't real sure her tattoo says what it's supposed to say!"
Tell Us About Your Favorite Tattoos.
"As a team, most of our tattoos have a special meaning or are symbolic of something, whether it's a marriage, an anniversary, a child's birth, a special trip, or the death and memory of a loved one. Each with its special place forever inked on us as a constant reminder of what is most important in our lives."
Do You Have Any Funny Stories About How or Why You Got Any of Your Tattoos?
"Just be very cautious when stopping at one of those roadside tattoo shops in another country!"
Describe the Feeling of Getting a New Tattoo.
"It's pure adrenaline, nervousness, and the excitement of the finished product all rolled into one. From a pain perspective, anywhere with thin skin like wrists, fingers, elbows, and collar bones can be the most painful. You are getting poked with needles, so don't expect a spa day feeling here!"
What's a Myth That You and Your Team Want to BUST About Tattoos and Business?
"It's 2023! You should be YOU! If someone has an issue doing business with us because of our tattoos, do we really wanna spend hours showing them homes they won't buy? You have to be true to all facets of your life!"
How Many Total Hours Has an Artist Spent on Your Team's Tattoos Combined?!
"131 hours, roughly!"
What is One Piece of Advice that Has Served Your Team Well in This Industry?
"Face your fears and kill it! Every! Single! Day!"