Scott & Georgeanna Johnson



Serving Together

What sets Georgeanna and Scott Johnson, REALTORS®, with RE/MAX Results Owasso, apart from other real estate teams? They’re husband and wife –partners in real life and partners in business.

“We've been married for 31 years,” says Scott. Together, they make a well-balanced team and bring a wealth of talent to the table: Georgeanna is the people person. She loves building client relations, connecting with people, showing homes, and managing their social media. Scott brings his negotiating skills and an amazing calm and steadiness to the transactions.

“When a client is with us, they get the best of both worlds,” Scott explains.

Another aspect of the Johnsons’ background that truly sets them apart from the competition is their many years of service in ministry. Scott spent 23 years in full-time ministry serving as a pastor–specifically, a care pastor–at Church on the Move.

“After 23 years, I was starting to feel that it was time for a new season of life,” Scott reflects. “We always had an interest in homes and home improvement projects. When Georgeanna started working for our Broker/Owners, Amy and Lori, in 2017 as a recruiter and trainer, we began considering getting licensed.” Not long after, the couple took the plunge, with Scott getting his real estate license in 2019 and Georgeanna following with hers in 2021.

Ministry is a relationship-based enterprise, much like real estate. Scott and Georgeanna found the skills they had acquired while serving in the church translated well into the real estate business. “Helping people with the big decisions that come with home buying and selling was a natural extension of what we had done before,” explains Scott.

Those ministry skills come in handy, especially when a deal begins to go awry; that’s when Scott’s ministry experience really kicks in. As someone who has counseled people for years, he knows how to expertly navigate those tough conversations you sometimes have to have to smooth out any issues that may be popping up.

Scott sees the value of his previous ministry experience in his work every day. “Real estate is about listening to people, walking them through what can sometimes be a tough process. Real estate takes the same kind of care, attention, and trust that we built with our circle of friends through our years in ministry.”

For the Johnsons, real estate is more than a business, “We feel like real estate is our new ministry,” says Scott. “Being in ministry made a huge impact on who we are and how we treat our clients. As pastors, we served the people of our church, and now we still see ourselves as servants–just now with clients. Being at Church on the Move instilled a drive for excellence, to always be looking for ways to improve, an attribute that we have brought to our real estate business.”

Balancing Work and Home

As one might imagine, being partners at home and partners in business can be tricky to balance. Scott and Georgeanna navigate this tension by intentionally scheduling time away from one another.

“Since we work together from home, work can creep in at any time of the day,” explains Scott. “We have learned that while we enjoy working together, we also need time apart. We make a concerted effort to make lunch plans with friends to stay connected with the outside world and not just each other and our work. We also often have clients that we are working with individually. It helps us have some independence from each other.”

Of course, spending quality time with their family also helps them take a break from work. The couple shares two daughters, both of whom are happily married. “Chelsea is 30 and is married to Jon, and Francie is 27 and is married to Grant,” says Scott. “We love getting together with our daughters and sons-in-law. We enjoy having our family over for dinner and playing board games or yard games together. In the summer, when we take our yearly family vacation, usually to the beach, we do a family bocce ball tournament each day.”

When they’re not with family, the couple also loves to travel, work out together, and chill at home with their two dogs. “We really enjoy Tulsa's local food scene and enjoy finding new restaurants to try,” says Scott. “In the summer, we love to rent bikes and ride down Riverside Drive. Not to mention, we are also avid University of Kentucky fans and traveled to the Citrus Bowl in Orlando this January to watch them win! Our extended family is scattered from Kentucky, Nashville, and Chicago, so we try to visit them a couple of times each year.”

Work, home, and play–this couple serves together happily in all they do.


Joe Lindsey


Jenna & Matt Giesow, VAST Media